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Fall 2023: Meditate with Linda Cali

Learn to practice mindfulness and develop inner peace (for all ages)


Date: 1st Thursday of the month  7-8:15 p.m.

Fee:  Suggested donation $15.00 or your heart offering to the Tibetan Home of Hope.


Linda Cali is pleased to offer a class in a Yoga Nidra -Healing Meditation at the Tara Institute.


These sessions will introduce you to deep peace and awareness through the practice of Yoga Nidra, the conscious awareness of the deep-sleep state.  It is a science beneficial in relieving tension, anxiety and stress enhancing overall good health. This ancient science achieves a profound state of deep relaxation and peace.

During the practice of Yoga Nidra you will be guided through a healing meditation that adjusts the atomic structure on a cellular level of your entire being. This healing practice has been  passed down to her from her teacher, Hilda Charlton.  You will also experience the opportunity to share in additional traditional healing offerings.


Linda Cali, LMT, is a Healing Arts Practitioner. Linda has taught Hatha Yoga, Meditation, Self Healing and Yoga Nidra throughout the Rockland, NY and NJ areas to thousands of students since 1977 including the United Nations as an affiliate where she taught Yoga and Meditation for 5 years. Linda is a NYS licensed massage therapist, Bd. Certified for 25 years.


Love, Compassion and Light through the alignment of the body, mind and spirit is foundation of her work.


In Peace and Beauty may you walk…




 Â© Copyright 2016 Ta Ra Institute  

 For more information call: 845.268.7717

Ta Ra Institute

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